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Table 1 PICOS framework used to define inclusion and exclusion criteria of studies

From: Differences in Biomechanical Determinants of ACL Injury Risk in Change of Direction Tasks Between Males and Females: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis


For the purpose of this review, male, female and sex refers to individuals assigned male or female at birth based on biological characteristics

Healthy women – No restrictions were placed regarding reproductive status and hormonal contraception (HC) usage

Healthy males (as a control for sex comparison of biomechanics)

Age 18–40 years (children and pre/adolescent populations were excluded to control for the effect of puberty or changes during adolescence)

Competing in or familiar with jump landing / cutting dominant, field / court based invasion games / sports

Performance level: Tier 1 minimum – Tier 5 [67]—Healthy, recreationally active and elite athletes

No history of ACL injury


A specific intervention was not investigated but participants were required to meet the population criteria above

Studies must have examined biomechanical surrogates of non-contact ACL injury risk injury during pre-planned or unplanned change of direction tasks, with 3D motion and/or GRF analysis (inclusive of pre and/or unplanned tasks)

Studies which adhered to the following change of direction task criteria were included:

A preceding approach run of a minimum of 3 steps containing a subsequent change in direction > 20°

The decision was made to omit tasks that included a split/ false step or hop or that omitted an approach run in line with previous COD definitions [68, 69]

Omission of an approach run would not truly replicate the loading parameters of non-contact ACL injury situations due to the absence of a deceleration (as deceleration has been identified as the component where most noncontact ACL ruptures occur) (Donelon et al., 2020 [45])


To determine the effect of sex:

A direct between group comparison of a biomechanical surrogate of non-contact ACL injury risk between females and males (acting as a control)


Precise mean and SD provided for injury risk factors between males and females


 Knee abduction, rotation, flexion moments / impulse (knee joint loads) [45, 70,71,72,73,74]

 Proximal anterior tibial shear [75]

Technical, kinetic, or kinematic determinants of surrogates of injury risk (knee joint loads) [36, 70, 76] at initial contact (IC) (first instance of ground contact in COD) and peak value obtained during stance (across the full cutting cycle 0–100%) related to quadriceps, ligament, trunk, and leg dominance, such as:

 Vertical/posterior GRF/ impulse

 Initial or peak

 Lateral trunk flexion/rotation angle

 Hip internal rotation angle

 Knee valgus / internal rotation angle

 Knee flexion / hip flexion

 Foot progression angles

 Rearfoot/ forefoot strike

 Coordination changes


Study design

 Peer review full article in English, examining humans from the year 2000 onwards due to a lack of 3D motion analysis research before this date

 Direct assessment of change of direction biomechanics (with surrogates of injury) between healthy males and females

Other data extraction

The following data were extracted and recorded in a spreadsheet:

(1) Author names, publication year and country of origin

(2) Sample size and participant characteristics including sport(s), playing level/status, training history, strength history/status/profile, reproductive status(females), hormonal contraception usage

(3) Angle of COD task

(4) Anticipatory nature of COD task (planned/unplanned)

(5) If unanticipated, method and timing of stimulus presentation

(6) Approach velocity prior to COD

(7) How approach velocity was controlled for / calculated

(8) Rest period between trials (if stated)

(9) How risk factor (ACL surrogate) was assessed (methods)

(10) Reliability and familiarisation stated for outcome measures / tasks

(11) Outcome measures (mean, SD,)

(12) Any other empirical data available for a variable that could mitigate any sex differences in surrogate injury risk identified (e.g. strength or experience / playing time)

(13) For female populations, information relating to:

  a. Reproductive status

  b. Menstrual cycle phase

  c. Hormonal contraception use

  1. ACL—Anterior Cruciate Ligament, COD—Change of Direction, GRF—Ground Reaction Force, HC—Hormonal Contraception, MSK—Musculoskeletal, SD—Standard Deviation