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Table 2 Telephone interview and cognitive tests

From: Cognitive Impairment and Self-Reported Dementia in UK Retired Professional Soccer Players: A Cross Sectional Comparative Study


Soccer players (N = 326)

General population (N = 395)

P value

Hearing affected n (%)

73 (29.4)

106 (26.7)


Level of Education (Md, IQR)

3 (3)

6 (3)

< .001b

Cognitive tests

 TICS-M, mean (SD)

26.2 (4.7)

26.3 (4.1)


 VFT, mean (SD)

21.4 (5.8)

24.7 (6.7)

< .001b

 HVLT, mean (SD)

22.4 (6.0)

22.1 (5.6)


 IADL, mean (SD)

15.2 (2.1)

15.5 (1.2)


  1. Level of education 3 = Secondary school (GCSE level), while 6 indicates Diploma level
  2. Md Median, IQR Interquartile Range, SD Standard Deviation, TICS-M the modified telephone interview for cognitive status, HVLT Hopkins verbal learning test, IADL instrumental activities of daily living, VFT verbal fluency test
  3. aChi Square Test
  4. bIndependent Samples T-test
  5. cMann-Whitney U Test