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Table 3 The relationships detailed by mapping cognitive and physical fidelity onto a Greimas square

From: Many Pieces to the Puzzle: A New Holistic Workload Approach to Designing Practice in Sports

Relationship between characteristics

Logical description

Example pairing


Lie at opposite ends of the same scale and cannot both be true at the same time

High cognitive fidelity and low cognitive fidelity

High physical fidelity and low physical fidelity


Lie at opposite ends of different scales but can both be true at the same time

High cognitive fidelity and low physical fidelity

High physical fidelity and low cognitive fidelity


Lie at the same end of different scales and there is a general implication that when one is true, the other is also likely to be true

High cognitive fidelity and high physical fidelity

Low cognitive fidelity and low physical fidelity