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Fig. 3 | Sports Medicine - Open

Fig. 3

From: Comparative Effectiveness of Multiple Exercise Interventions in the Treatment of Mental Health Disorders: A Systematic Review and Network Meta-Analysis

Fig. 3

Network meta-analyses of eligible comparisons for a mental health disorders in general, b depression, c anxiety disorder, d post-traumatic stress disorder, e overall, f positive and g negative schizophrenic symptoms. The network diagram was generated according to network meta-analyses, where each node referred to intervention type and the line referred to studies in which interventions were compared directly. Node size was weighted by the number of participants receiving the specific intervention, while the line’s thickness was weighted by the number of RCTs. Abbreviations: A, aerobic exercise; R, resistance exercise; B, mind–body exercise; S, stretching; M, multimodal exercise; O, other types of exercise; and C, control

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