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Table 4 Characteristics and synthesis of the methodological validation studies based on the PICO scheme

From: Metabolic Power in Team and Racquet Sports: A Systematic Review with Best-Evidence Synthesis

Study (Year)





Castagna et al. [35]

1200 male first division German, English, and Spanish soccer players (24.5 ± 0.8 years)

Data from 20 (out of 60) randomly selected official matches

Comparison of metabolic power and traditional running speed approach using a video camera system (25 Hz); parameters were distance covered at HI (≥ 16.0 km/h), HIR (≥ 18.0 ≤ 22.0 km/h), VHIR (≥ 22.0 km/h), HIAcc (≥ + 2 m/s2), VHIAcc (≥ + 3 m/s2), HIDec (≤ −2 m/s2), VHIDec (≤ −3 m/s2), MPHI (≥ 20.0 W/kg) as well as TD and AMP; use of modified equation for metabolic power analysis (Osgnach et al. [3])

High inter-match variations (CV > 10%) for all parameters except TD, AMP, and MPHI; significant measurement bias (effect size = 11.67) between MPHI and HI distances; nearly perfect correlation (r = 0.93) between MPHI and HI; very large correlations between MPHI and TD (r = 0.84), HIDec (r = 0.73), and HIR (r = 0.87) as well as between AMP and HI (r = 0.73), TD (r = 0.85), VHIDec (r = 0.72), and HIDec (r = 0.76)

Darbellay et al. [36]

14 elite youth Swiss soccer players of unknown sex (17 ± 1 years)

Data from 13 official matches and 2 SSGs

Comparison of metabolic power and traditional running speed approach (fixed and individual speed zones) using a GPS (10 Hz); e.g., high intensity zone: 20.0–35.0 W/kg vs. 16.0–19.0 km/h; use of modified equation for metabolic power analysis (Osgnach et al. [3])

Matches: significantly higher distance covered in intermediate and high-intensity zones for metabolic power compared to running speed methods (p ≤ 0.001) and significantly higher (individual speed) and lower (fixed speed) for very high-intensity zones (p ≤ 0.001);

SSG: significantly higher distance in high and very high-intensity zones for metabolic power compared to speed methods (p ≤ 0.002)

Dubois et al. [37]

14 professional French rugby union players of unknown sex (24.1 ± 3.4 years)

Data from 5 official matches during European Challenge Cup

Comparison of metabolic power, traditional running speed, and heart-rate-based approach using a GPS (5 Hz interpolated to 15 Hz) and heart rate monitors; thresholds: > 20.0 W/kg, > 14.4 km/h, and 85% of HRmax; use of modified equation for metabolic power analysis (Osgnach et al. [3])

Near perfect correlation between total distance (traditional) and estimated distance (metabolic power) (r = 0.98) and between high-speed running and high metabolic power distance (r = 0.93); percentage differences between traditional and metabolic power approach during high-intensity running (up to + 53%)

Gaudino et al. [38]

26 professional English soccer players of unknown sex (26 ± 5 years)

Data from 3 different SSGs (5 vs. 5, 7 vs. 7, 10vs10) (420 individual observations; median of 16 drills per player)

Comparison of metabolic power and traditional running speed approach using a GPS (15 Hz); thresholds: > 20.0 W/kg and > 14.4 km/; use of modified equation for metabolic power analysis (Osgnach et al. [3])

Distance at high-metabolic power was significantly higher compared to high-speed running regardless of SSGs (99%, p < 0.001; effect size = 0.8); percentage of high-metabolic power was higher compared to high-speed running during all SSGs (p < 0.001; effect size = 1.9–2.8); differences decreased from 5vs5 to 10vs10 (p < 0.01; effect size = 0.6–1.0)

Gaudino et al. [39]

26 professional English soccer players of unknown sex (26 ± 5 years)

Data from a 10-week training period (638 individual observations; median of 24 training sessions per player)

Comparison of metabolic power and traditional running speed approach using a GPS (15 Hz); thresholds: > 20.0 W/kg and > 14.4 km/h as well as 3 different high-speed and high-metabolic power categories; use of modified equation for metabolic power analysis (Osgnach et al. [3])

Distance at total high-metabolic power was significantly higher compared to total high-speed running (p < 0.001; effect size = 0.8); relation between both methods decreased as high-intensity distance increased (R2 = 0.43; p < 0.001)

Goto and King [40]

11 youth soccer players of unknown sex (16 ± 0.6 years)

3 different pitch sized SSGs (975, 1980, 3900 m2) and a match each lasting 35 min; conducted 4 times during 6 weeks

Examination of difference between metabolic power and traditional running speed approach using a GPS (5 Hz interpolated to 15 Hz); thresholds: ≥ 20.0 W/kg and ≥ 15.5; use of modified equation for metabolic power analysis (Osgnach et al. [3])

Distance at high-metabolic power was significantly higher compared to high-speed running in all SSG and match (p < 0.001; effect size = 1.3–1.9); differences decreased with increase in pitch size during SSGs (615–102%), difference in match was 145%

Goto and Saward [41]

110 professional youth Japanese soccer players from U13–U18 of unknown sex (12.2–18.7 years)

Data from 48 official league matches

Examination of age-related differences in running performance; comparison of metabolic power and traditional running speed approach using a GPS (5 Hz interpolated to 15 Hz); thresholds: ≥ 20.0 W/kg and ≥ 14.4 km/h; use of modified equation for metabolic power analysis (Osgnach et al. [3])

Distance at high-metabolic power was significantly higher compared to high-speed running in all age-groups (p < 0.01; effect size = 0.49–0.61); percentage difference decreased with increasing age (p < 0.001; effect size = 0.63); moderate negative correlation between percentage difference and age (p < 0.001; r = −0.45)

Hoppe et al. [42]

12 professional German soccer players of unknown sex (26 ± 3 years)

Data from 5 pre-season matches; only data of completed halves were analyzed (total of 61 halves)

Examination of intraindividual variability of metabolic power using a GPS (10 Hz); comparison of variability of high metabolic power (≥ 20.0 W/kg), speed (≥ 15.5 km/h), acceleration (≥ + 3 m/s2), and deceleration (≤ −3 m/s2); use of modified equation for metabolic power analysis (Osgnach et al. [3])

Variability of global metabolic power data (EE, EC, AMP; CV = 0.8–11.4%) was lower than high-intensity (high and peak metabolic power; CV = 6.1–50.0%); variability of high metabolic power (CV = 14.1 ± 3.5%) was comparable to high speed (17.0 ± 6.2%), acceleration (11.1 ± 5.1%), and deceleration (11.9 ± 4.5%)

Lord et al. [43]

20 sub-elite youth soccer players of unknown sex (19.1 ± 1.2 years)

4 competitive matches and 3 field-based test sessions; (1) maximal straight-line running efforts: 400 m running track and efforts over 40, 100, and 400 m; (2) critical speed field test—straight line: 400 m running track and efforts over 1200, 2400, and 3600 m continuous running; (3) critical speed field test—shuttle running: 100 m straight line track and maximal shuttle-runs over 100, 400, and 1500 m

Examination of validity and reliability of maximal speed, maximal metabolic power, critical speed, and critical metabolic power using a GPS (15 Hz); differences therein during matches versus field-based maximal effort running tests; use of original equation for metabolic power analysis (di Prampero et al. [15])

Validity: critical speed and critical metabolic power showed a good correlation (r = 0.843); critical speed (p = 0.066) and critical metabolic power (p = 0.271) showed no difference to shuttle-run data;

Reliability (match): ICC was large (0.577) to nearly perfect (0.902) for speed and very large (0.701–0.863) for metabolic power data; CV was moderate to good for speed (3.8–5.6%) as well as metabolic power (3.9–7.8%) data

Lord et al. [44]

20 sub-elite youth soccer players of unknown sex (19.1 ± 1.2 years)

Data from 26 official matches (416 individual match samples)

Examination of match-to-match variations of match running performance (distances, maximal maintainable speed, and metabolic power) over 2–10 matches using a GPS (15 Hz); use of original equation for metabolic power analysis (di Prampero et al. [15])

Match-to-match variations for maximal speed (CV = 4.9–7.0%) and maximal metabolic power (CV = 4.4–9.6%) were good to moderate

Martinez-Cabrera and Núnez-Sánchez [45]

38 professional Romanian soccer players of unknown sex (26.3 ± 3.9 years)

Data from 18 pre-season matches (over 4 years); total of 300 individual observations; only data of completed halves were analyzed; grouped according to playing position

Comparison of metabolic power and traditional running speed approach (fixed speed/metabolic power zones) using a GPS (15 Hz); e.g., 20.1–35.0 W/kg vs. 16.1–19.0 km/h; use of original equation for metabolic power analysis (di Prampero et al. [15])

No differences were found between metabolic power and traditional running speed approach concerning high, medium, and low intensities in different playing positions using absolute values only

Polglaze et al. [46]

12 male elite Australian hockey players (25.5 ± 4.5 years)

Two-part study, only 10 of 12 participants in part 2

Two field tests (series of time trials, 3 min all-out shuttle running)

Data from two international hockey matches

Comparison of critical metabolic power and critical speed using a GPS (10 Hz) as well as time above 85% HRmax; use of original equation for metabolic power analysis (di Prampero et al. [15])

Correlation for critical metabolic power was very large in the two field tests (r = 0.754; p = 0.005); in matches, the correlation between time above 85% HRmax and critical metabolic power was very large (r = 0.867, p < 0.001)

Scott et al. [47]

26 male professional American rugby league players (26.4 ± 3.7 years)

Data from 25 official matches (346 individual observations); 30–15 intermittent fitness test four times during season to identify first and second ventilatory threshold as well as high metabolic power threshold; grouped according to playing position

Comparison of metabolic power approach and relative and absolute speed using a GPS (5 Hz interpolated to 15 Hz); thresholds: > 20.0 W/kg, 13.0 km/h (MIR), and 18.7 km/h (HIR); use of modified equation for metabolic power analysis (Osgnach et al. [3])

Strong positive relationship between absolute and relative measures: V1IFT and MIR (r = 0.94), V2IFT and HIR (r = 0.94), and HPmetVT2 and HPmetTh (r = 0.93); HPmetVT2 was likely to almost certainly be lower than HPmetTh in all playing positions (effect size = 0.24–0.63); absolute MIR and high metabolic thresholds may over- or underestimate the load depending on the respective fitness of the individual

  1. AMP  average metabolic power, CV  coefficient of variation, EC  energy cost, m  meters, EE  energy expenditure, GPS  global positioning system, HI  high intensity, HIAcc  high intensity acceleration, HIDec  high intensity deceleration, HIR  high intensity running, HPmetTh  absolute high metabolic power threshold, HPmetVT2  relative high metabolic power threshold (power associated with VT2IFT), HRmax  maximum heart rate, Hz  hertz, ICC  intra-class correlation, km/h  kilometers per hour, m2  square meters, min  minutes, MIR  moderate intensity running, MPHI  high intensity metabolic power, m/s2  meters per second squared, R2  regression coefficient, SSG  small sided game, TD  total distance, V1IFT  first ventilatory threshold based on the 30–15 intermittent fitness test, V2IFT  second ventilatory threshold based on the 30–15 intermittent fitness test, VHIAcc  very high intensity acceleration, VHIDec  very high intensity deceleration, VHIR  very high intensity running, W/kg  watts per kilogram