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Table 4 Prevalence of LBP and symptoms characteristics

From: Prevalence, Characteristics, Association Factors of and Management Strategies for Low Back Pain Among Italian Amateur Cyclists: an Observational Cross-Sectional Study


N = 1274; N (%)

LBP in life

702 (55.1)

 Number of episodes (mean ± SD)

6.6 ± 10.24

 Pain radiating to the lower limbs

326 (46.4)

  To the knee

191 (58.6)

  Beneath the knee

135 (41.4)

  Other symptoms to the lower limbs

326 (25.6)

 Type of the other symptoms to the lower limbs

  No (just pain)

113 (34.7)


143 (43.9)


56 (17.2)

  Strength loss

67 (20.6)

  Sensitivity loss

60 (18.4)

LBP in the last 12 month

337 (26.5)

 Number of episodes (mean ± SD)§

3.6 ± 7.8

LBP in the last 4 weeks

137 (10.8)

 Number of episodes (mean ± SD)

2.8 ± 8.8

  1. N number, SD standard deviation. N = 702; N = 326—multiple choice allowed; §N = 337; N = 137