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Table 1 Key characteristics of research articles investigating the performance of elite cyclists in competition, organised by level of analysis and highlighting the performance features focused on in each study

From: Determinants of Cycling Performance: a Review of the Dimensions and Features Regulating Performance in Elite Cycling Competitions

Level of analysis

Cycling discipline


Subjects and data

Performance features

The individual dimension

 Lucia et al. [21]

Road (time-trial)

Empirical analysis

11 professional road cyclists, 3 Tour de France time trial performances over 2 years (1998/1999)

Physiological features

 Padilla et al. [22]

Road cycling

Empirical analysis

24 professional road cyclists

Physiological and morphological features (links to competition features)

 Rodriguez-Marroyo et al. [23]

Road cycling

Empirical analysis

Workload demands on 30 professional road cyclists across 5-day, 8-day, and 21-day stage races (n = 10, 5 and 5 respectively) collected over 5 consecutive racing seasons.

Links between: physiological and competition features (links also to team dynamics, team hierarchy)

 Impellizzeri et al. [24]

Mountain biking

Empirical analysis

12 internationally competitive cyclists, competing in one international level mountain bike race

Physiological features (links to competition features)

 Impellizzeri et al. [25]

Mountain biking

Empirical analysis

13 male regional, national and international U23 cross-country mountain bike cyclists competing in a national level cross-country competition

Physiological and additional individual features ( ability/experience level) (links to competition features)

 Chidley et al. [26]

Mountain biking

Mixed methods

Multiple study project. In study 3: 43 male cyclists ranging from junior, senior, master, expert and elite downhill mountain-biking categories

Physiological, cognitive, and additional individual features (skill, self-confidence)

 Svendsen et al. [27]

Road cycling

Empirical analysis

Retrospective categorisation of 80 competitive male cyclists, including 9 World Tour cyclists

Physiological and additional individual features (training, race experience)

 Moran and Pitsiladis [28]

Road cycling


Review article

Additional individual features (genetics and performance)

 Impellizzeri et al. [29]

Road cycling and mountain biking

Empirical analysis

27 professional female road cyclists and 12 elite female mountain bikers from eight different countries

Morphological and physiological features (links to competition features)

 Dorel et al. [30]

Track cycling

Empirical analysis

12 male elite cyclists competing at National and International level track races

Physiological, morphological and additional individual features (frontal surface area, optimal pedalling rate)

 Haake et al. [31]

Track cycling and road cycling

Empirical analysis

World records for the 1-h distance from 1894 to 1996, and for the 4-km individual pursuit from 1964 to 1996

Other individual features

 Spindler et al. [32]

Various cycling disciplines


Review article

Cognitive features

The tactical dimension

 Waldron et al. [33]

Track cycling

Empirical analysis

1 single race (24 riders) of international competitive cyclists (World Championship level)

Drafting and interpersonal features

 Menaspà et al. [34]

Road cycling

Empirical analysis

Single-case study longitudinal design, retrospective analysis of one male professional road cyclist in the sprint finishes of 31 grand tour stages from 2008 to 2011

Drafting features, inter-personal features, team dynamics, competition features

 Bossi et al. [35]


Empirical analysis

329 cyclists (men + women) competing in 5 editions of the UCI World Championships (2012–2016)

Drafting features, competition features (weather)

 Hoenigman et al. [36]

Road cycling

Agent-based modelling

The model ran 1800 trials of various combinations of cyclist strength and best strategy

Drafting and interpersonal features (links to competition features, additional individual features)

 Trenchard [37]

Road cycling

Economic modelling

Theoretical analysis—modelling estimates based on drafting data from prior research

Drafting and interpersonal features (links to physiological features)

 Trenchard [38]

Road cycling

Economic modelling

Two test protocols run with various levels of cyclists and adjusted variables

Drafting and interpersonal features (links to physiological features)

 Scelles et al. [39]

Road cycling

Empirical analysis

268 breakaways, over 76 stages, 4 Tour de France events. Results were also bootstrapped.

Interpersonal and contextual features (links to individual dimension, drafting and competition features)

 Dilger and Geyer [11]

Road cycling

Empirical analysis

49 sprint finals in which a small group of cyclists sprinted for the stage win. 26 duels, 13 three-ups, 10 finishes with between four and seven cyclists. 140 riders in total.

Drafting and interpersonal features (links to individual dimension)

 Moffatt et al. [40]

Track cycling

Logistic regression models

231 races at 4 UCI World Cup competitions

Drafting, interpersonal and contextual features

 Dwyer et al. [41]

Track cycling

Machine learning

4 races from World Cup (3) and World Championship (1) events across 1 season, incl. 91 cyclists (66 unique)

Drafting and contextual features

The strategic dimension

 Phillips and Hopkins [42]

Track cycling

Empirical analysis

336 UCI World Cup/World Championship and Olympic level cyclists (196 male, 140 female)

Competition features (links to individual and tactical dimensions)

 Lucia et al. [43]

Road cycling

Empirical analysis

13 professional road cyclists, 8 ‘climbers’ and 6 ‘time trialists’ who had a stage win in a UCI event in the prior 2 years.

Link between competition features and individual dimension (physiological and morphological features)

 Ofoghi et al. [44]

Track cycling

Machine learning

7 events, all cyclists, mix of 5 and 6 event omniums

Competition features (links to individual dimension)

 Ofoghi et al. [45]

Track cycling

Machine learning

193 male omnium records, 167 female omnium records across 5 and 6 event omniums

Competition features: competition structure

 Ofoghi et al. [46]

Track cycling

Empirical analysis

96 data records (men) and 75 data records (women) from four competitions, encompassing elite and junior racing at World Championship and National Championship level

Competition features (links to individual dimension)

 Filipas et al. [47]

Road cycling

Empirical analysis

43 professional cyclists who achieved a top 10 pacing in a Grand Tour between 2010 and 2015

Links between team hierarchy, competition features and competition calendar

 Larson and Maxcy [48]

Road cycling

Empirical analysis

All mass start stages of the three Grand Tours (1985–2010) n = 1436

Contextual features (links to authoritarian and interpersonal features)

 Rodriquez-Gutierrez [49]

Road cycling

Empirical analysis

All professional cyclists belonging to the 18 UCI Pro teams in the year 2011. Sample equalled 448 cyclists.

Team features: opportunity (links to morphological features, additional individual features, competition calendar features)

 Larson and Maxcy [50]

 Road cycling


Expansion of the model of Candelon and Dupuy [51] to incorporate coaching and production functions.

Team features, contextual features (links to authoritarian features, economic features, reward mechanisms)

 Cabaud et al. [52]

Road cycling


Method used on two 2014 Tour de France stages

Objectives and rewards, economic features, reward mechanisms and interpersonal features

The societal and organisational dimension

 Perneger [53]

Road cycling

Empirical analysis

5th place Grand Tour finishers from 1990 to 2009

Strategic dimension: competition features societal dimension: historical features (links both to subversive behaviours)

 Lippi et al. [54]

Road cycling

Empirical analysis

Winners of Grand Tours since inception

Strategic dimension: competition features societal dimension: historical features (links both to subversive behaviours)

 Rogge et al. [55]

Road cycling

Data envelopment analysis

31 cycling teams competing in the Tour de France over the period 2007–2011 (105 observations)

Team features and reward mechanisms (links to competition and individual features)

 Rebeggiani and Tondani [56]

Road cycling

Empirical analysis

One season of Pro Tour racing data (2005)

Authoritarian and economic features (links to competition features and reward mechanisms)

 Aubel et al. [57]

Road cycling

Discrete time-logit model

Data from 10,551 cyclists in the first three world divisions of cycling from 2005 to 2016, including 271 sanctioned cyclists

Subversive behaviours (links to authoritarian, economic and reward mechanisms)

 Zheng 2016 [58]


Interviews and document analysis

4 semi-structured interviews with lead Chinese staff + comprehensive document analysis

Authoritarian and economic features

 Lodewijkx and Brouwer [59]

Road cycling

Empirical analysis

Winners of Grand Tours since World War 2

Social mechanisms and subversive behaviours (links to authoritarian, economic and inter-personal features)

 Prinz and Wicker [60]

Road cycling

Socio-cultural analysis

Longitudinal dataset from Tour de France from 2004 to 2013 (1542 observations from 598 different cyclists)

Authoritarian features, team features (links to individual features)

 Mignot [61]

Road cycling


Theoretical analysis

History and prestige, economic and authoritarian features, competition calendar features

 Fink and Smith [62]

Road cycling

Socio-cultural analysis

Socio-cultural examination of unofficial norms with examples given from previous editions of the Tour de France

Social mechanisms (with links to authoritarian, economic and reward mechanisms, and subversive behaviours)

 Schumacher et al. [63]

Road and track cycling

Retrospective analysis

Race results of 4432 cyclists from 77 countries who had participated in major elite or junior elite cycling races from 1980 to 2004

Authoritarian features (links to individual features)

 Larson and Maxcy [48]

Road cycling

Empirical analysis

Finishing position and relative times for top-25 cyclists finishing all mass-start stages of the three Grand Tours from 1985 to 2010 (n = 1436)

Authoritarian features (with links to drafting, interpersonal and economic features)

 Brewer [64]

Road cycling


Review article

Subversive behaviour and authoritarian mechanisms, history and prestige (links to economic features)


 Albert [65]

Road cycling

Empirical analysis

Various: personal experience from racing, formal interviews with US riders and officials, cycling press and video reports. Senior men’s road racing in all instances.

Tactical dimension: drafting, interpersonal and contextual features

Societal dimension: social mechanisms and authoritarian features (all interlinked)

 Van Reeth and Larson [66]

Road cycling

Various levels

Review: comprehensive book with chapters exploring the various dimensions and features of professional road cycling—predominantly from an sports economics perspective.

Individual dimension: physiological, morphological, cognitive and additional features

Tactical dimension: drafting, interpersonal and contextual features

Strategic dimension: competition features, calendar effects, objectives, collusion and association, team features.

Societal dimension: history and prestige, authoritarian, economic mechanisms, subversive behaviour (various links)

 Torgler [67]

Road cycling

Ordered probit and ordinary least squares modelling

Tour de France, full data—21 teams, 188 cyclists (147 finishers)

Individual dimension: morphological features, experience effects, cultural background effects

Tactical dimension: teammate effects

Strategic dimension: opportunity effects

 Mujika and Padilla [68]

Road cycling


Review article

Individual dimension: physiological, morphological features

Strategic dimension: competition features

 Netland et al. [69]

Road cycling

Socio-cultural analysis

Semi-structured interviews: 9 persons (6 athletes, 3 directors) of Norwegian continental cycling teams. Plus 1 director and 3 cyclists from a different professional team.

Strategic dimension: team features

Societal dimension: authoritarian, reward and social mechanisms

 Lucia et al. [70]

Road cycling


Review article

Individual dimension: physiological, morphological and additional individual features

Strategic dimension: competition features (and links to physiological and drafting features)

Societal dimension: subversive behaviours (and links to additional individual features)

 Martin et al. [71]

Various disciplines (sprint finishes)


Review article

Individual dimension: physiological features

Tactical dimension: drafting features (links to physiological features)

 Craig and Norton [5]

Track cycling


Review article

Individual dimension: physiological and morphological features

Strategic dimension: competition features (links to physiological features)

 Santalla et al. [72]

Road cycling


Review article

Individual features: physiological, morphological and additional individual features

Strategic dimension: competition features (links to physiological features)

Societal dimension: history and subversive behaviour features (links to physiological features)

 Castronovo et al. [73]

Road cycling


Review article

Individual dimension: physiological and cognitive features

Strategic dimension: competition features (links between these features)

 Menaspa and Abbiss [74]

Road cycling


Review article

Individual dimension: physiological and morphological features

Strategic dimension: competition features (and the links between these)