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Table 4 Relationships between physical fitness components and throwing/shooting (hand-based) sport-specific technical skills from studies with fair or good methodological quality with low ROB

From: The Relationship Between Physical Fitness Qualities and Sport-Specific Technical Skills in Female, Team-Based Ball Players: A Systematic Review

Physical fitness measures

Associated with technical skill

Not associated with technical skill

Summary conclusion

# relationships assessed from each study

Statistical association

# relationships assessed from each study

n/N outcome (%)

Practical interpretation

Agility measures

1 [55]


7 [55]

1/8 (13%)

No association

Balance measures

1 [93]


7 [93]

1/8 (13%)

No association

Body composition measures

3 [67], 4 [60], 4 [65], 8 [64], 15 [63]


1 [60], 2 [65], 6 [66], 17 [91], 70 [58], 244 [64]

34/374 (9%)

No association

Cardiorespiratory fitness measures



2 [65], 14 [58]

0/16 (0%)

No association

Coordination measures

1 [55]


2 [93], 19 [55]

1/22 (5%)

No association

Flexibility measures

1 [91]


1 [91], 20 [66]

1/22 (5%)

No association

Muscular strength measures

1 [65], 1 [67], 1 [68]


1 [65], 2 [59], 2 [93], 4 [82], 14 [58], 16 [66]

3/42 (7%)

No association

Power measures

1 [68], 3 [59], 4 [58], 4 [65]


2 [60], 11 [59], 122 [58]

12/147 (8%)

No association

Speed measures

2 [65]


2 [65], 14 [58]

2/18 (11%)

No association

  1. Coding: n/N number of significantly associated relationships divided by total number of relationships. # number of relationships reported with study reference number in brackets. Statistical association: + positive statistical correlations, − negative statistical correlations, +/− includes both positive and negative statistical correlations. Practical interpretation: no association (≤ 33% of total relationships are significantly associated). Note: Relationships removed from data synthesis due to poor methodological study quality and/or high risk of bias included the following categories: balance (36 relationships [57]); muscular strength (2 relationships [54], 6 relationships [62], 3 relationships [94])