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Table 5 Oxidative stress plasma parameters before and after the training protocol ( n= 23)

From: Response of oxidative stress and inflammatory biomarkers to a 12-week aerobic exercise training in women with metabolic syndrome




AOPP (μmol/L)

100.4 ± 34.5

69 ± 17.9**

NOx (μmol/L)

65.3 ± 40.7

53 ± 6.96

TBARS (μg/dL of MDA)

29.1 ± 10.5

24.3 ± 9.3*

T-SH (nmol/mg of GSH)

51.8 ± 12

69 ± 14.3**

  1. AOPP, advanced oxidation protein products; NOx, nitrite and nitrate; TBARS, thiobarbituric acid-reactive substances; MDA, malondialdehyde; T-SH, total thiol content; GSH, glutathione.
  2. *P < 0.05 and **P < 0.001 after vs. before training.