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Table 1 Sample characterization variables (n = 242)

From: Association of Sports Practice in Childhood and Adolescence with Cardiac Autonomic Modulation in Adulthood: A Retrospective Epidemiological Study



Age (Years), mean (SD)

42.0 (16.2)

Women vs. men, n (%)

141 (58.3) vs. 101 (41.7)

Weight (kg), mean (SD)

77.2 (15.9)

Height (cm), mean (SD)

165.8 (9.7)

SDNN, mean (SD)

47.1 (20.1)

RMSSD, mean (SD)

32.4 (24.7)

LF, mean (SD)

63.2 (16.7)

HF, mean (SD)

36.8 (16.7)

SD1, mean (SD)

22.9 (17.4)

SD2, mean (SD)

61.8 (24.8)

MVPA, mean (SD)

12.7 (23.5)

Sports practice in childhood, n (%)

105 (43.4)

Sports practice in adolescence, n (%)

122 (50.4)

Sports practice in both childhood and adolescence, n (%)

87 (36.0)

  1. SD: Standard deviation; SDNN: average standard deviation of all normal RR intervals expressed in milliseconds; RMSSD: square root of the mean square of the differences between adjacent normal RR intervals for a period of time expressed in milliseconds; LF: low frequency component; HF: high-frequency component; and LF/HF: ratio of low frequency component/high-frequency component; SD1 = standard deviation of the instantaneous beat to beat variability; SD2 = standard deviation of the long-term intervals between consecutive heartbeats; MVPA: Moderate to vigorous physical activity