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Fig. 3 | Sports Medicine - Open

Fig. 3

From: The Effects of a Carbohydrate Hydrogel System for the Delivery of Bicarbonate Mini-Tablets on Acid–Base Buffering and Gastrointestinal Symptoms in Resting Well-trained Male Cyclists

Fig. 3

Mean (± SD) blood sodium (Na+) [a], calcium (Ca2+) [b], and potassium (K+) [c] and chloride (Cl) [d] responses to sodium bicarbonate ingestion in capsules (C-SB) and the bicarb delivery system (M-SB). (*) denotes a significant difference in the blood concentration from the pre-ingestion sample time for M-SB (p < 0.05). (▲) denotes a significant difference in the blood concentration from the pre-ingestion sample time for C-SB (p < 0.05)

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