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Table 2 Summary of reviewed case studies relating to peak week CHO manipulation in physique athletes

From: Peak Week Carbohydrate Manipulation Practices in Physique Athletes: A Narrative Review




Relevant findings

Hickson et al. [89]

White, drug-enhanced M amateur bodybuilder (27yrs)

Collection of daily food records over the course of a 30-day contest preparation period

Implementation of a 2-day CHO restriction period followed by 3 days of moderate intake in the week before competition. Consumed mainly CHOs prior to stepping on stage. Placed in top three of competing weight class, no body composition outcomes measured

Steen et al. [88]

White, drug-enhanced M amateur bodybuilder (25yrs)

Collection of five-day food records at 6 and 5 months, and 1 week pre-competition

Implementation of 3-day CHO restriction, followed by 3 days of moderate intake in the week before competition. No body composition outcomes measured

Rossow et al. [59]

White, natural M bodybuilder (26yrs)

Monthly body composition assessment (via 4CM and SFs) and collection of dietary records for 6 months pre- and post-competition. On the month of competition, data were collected 1 week pre-competition

↑ FFM and TBW with ↓ ΣUST and BF% (both 4CM and SFs) in month of competition compared to previous month

Halliday et al. [75]

White, natural F amateur figure competitor (26yrs)

Collection of SF thickness measures on eight and four occasions pre- and post-competition, respectively. Daily self-reported dietary intake and BM

↓ ΣSF thickness in the final week before competition from four weeks prior, coinciding with a modest ↑ in energy and CHO intake

Lapinskienė et al. [90]

Natural M professional bodybuilder (28yrs)

Case report of a competitor admitted to hospital following bilateral lower limb paralysis

The competitor consumed 800 g of high GI CHO on the day of competition following a month of severe CHO restriction. The exact amount of CHO consumed pre-stage is unknown

Schoenfeld et al. [39]

White, M amateur bodybuilder (25yrs)

Monthly body composition over an 8-month pre-competition and 4-month post-competition period with daily nutrition logs completed by the participant. The peaking strategy for one of the participant’s four competitions was detailed

↑ in UMT observed following 3-day CD and 2-day CL phases

Barakat et al. [40]

Middle Eastern-American, natural M professional bodybuilder (29yrs)

Collection of dietary intakes, hydration status, and body composition of the participant on 6 days over an 8 day “peaking” period

A 3-day CD followed by a 2-day CL and 1-day tapering phases implemented prior to competition. UMT positively correlated with CHO intake. ICW/ECW peaked on the final day of CD, ↓ during CL and ↑ to slightly above baseline value on competition day

  1. CHO = carbohydrate, 4CM = four compartment model, SF = skinfold, ↑ = increased, FFM = fat-free mass, BM = body mass, TBW = total body water, ↓ = decreased, Σ = summation, UST = ultrasound subcutaneous tissue thickness, GI = glycaemic index, CD = carbohydrate depletion, CL = carbohydrate loading, UMT = ultrasound muscle thickness, ICW/ECW = intracellular water to extracellular water ratio