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Table 1 Inclusion criteria according to the PICOS approach

From: Effects of Passive or Active Recovery Regimes Applied During Long-Term Interval Training on Physical Fitness in Healthy Trained and Untrained Individuals: A Systematic Review

PICOS components



Healthy trained and untrained humans aged > 14 years old


Interval exercise training using passive or active recovery types during exercise for at least 3 weeks


Active and/or passive controls


Measures of physical fitness (e.g., aerobic performance, jump performance etc.), physiological adaptations (e.g., maximal oxygen uptake [VO2max], maximal aerobic speed [MAS], lactate threshold, running economy etc.)

Study Design

nRCTs, nRnCTs and RCTs

  1. nRCT Non-randomized controlled trial, nRnCT Non-randomized uncontrolled trial, RCT Randomized controlled trial