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Table 1 Inclusion criteria

From: The Mental Health of Elite-Level Coaches: A Systematic Scoping Review

(1) Published in a peer-reviewed journal

(2) Published after January 2000

(3) Conducted primary research

(4) Published in English

(5) The full-text version was available (and if unavailable contact with the lead author was made, and if no response was received within two weeks the study was excluded)

(6) The study collected data from elite or high-performance coaches who manage athletes at the Olympic, Paralympic, national, international, professional or NCAA Division I level

(7) The study explored coaches who operate in leadership or management positions exclusively (e.g. head/assistant/senior coaches) or provide group findings separately where a heterogeneous sample (e.g. strength & conditioning coaches) is utilised

(8) The study explored coaches exclusively or provided group findings separately where a sample beyond coaches (e.g. athletes or support staff) was utilised

(9) The study explored elite coaches exclusively or provided group findings separately where a heterogeneous sample (e.g. elite and non-elite) was utilised

(10) The study reported on the mental health (mental wellbeing or mental ill-health) of elite-level coaches