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Table 1 Descriptive summary of the mechanical constraint and the force variables included in the computation, which was used to estimate the force developed over the lower limb push-off (Eq. 1) in the six resistive conditions

From: Exploring the Low Force-High Velocity Domain of the Force–Velocity Relationship in Acyclic Lower-Limb Extensions



Components included in force computation








Acceleration of the chariot, the flywheel with friction, and the lower limbs



Acceleration of the chariot, the flywheel with friction, and the lower limbs



Acceleration of the chariot, the flywheel (without friction), and the lower limbs




Spring assisted acceleration of the chariot, the flywheel (without friction), and the lower limbs



Acceleration of the chariot and the lower limbs






Spring assisted acceleration of the chariot and the lower limbs




  1. The signs « » and « ×» correspond to the inclusion or the exclusion of the force component into the computation of the force developed by the lower limbs over the entire push-off, respectively. C1RM, Force developed at an extension velocity of ~ 0.3 m s−1; C50%Fmax, Force corresponding to 50% of isometric maximum; CØFric-0S, Force produced while accelerating the chariot, the flywheel (without friction), and the lower limbs; CØFric-2S, Force produced during spring-assisted acceleration of the chariot, the flywheel (without friction), and the lower limbs; CChar-0S, Acceleration of the chariot without flywheel and the lower limbs; CChar-2S, Spring assisted acceleration of the chariot (without flywheel) and the lower limbs; \(F_{{{\text{flywheel}}}}\), force to accelerate the flywheel; \(F_{{{\text{chariot}}}}\), force to accelerate the chariot;\(F_{{{\text{friction}}}}\), the force to overcome the frictional forces applied by the belt on the flywheel;\(F_{{{\text{limbs}}}}\), the force to accelerate the center of mass of the lower limbs; \(F_{{{\text{roll}}}}\), the internal resistive force of the flywheel; Fspring, the force of the tension springs