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Table 1 Summary of the characteristics of the studies and results of the intervention

From: Does Vibration Foam Roller Influence Performance and Recovery? A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis


Study population

Muscles involved





Chen et al. [19]

Handball players (female = 10)

21 ± 1 years

Quadriceps and hamstrings


1: SS + DS

2: DS

3: DS + VFR

45 Hz/8 min

Isokinetic strength and fatigue recovery (Thorstensson test)

No differences in strength

Fatigue decreases after DS + VFR

Hsu et al. [30]

23 elite table tennis players

(female = 9; male = 14)

20.6 ± 0.8 years

Gastrocnemius, quadriceps, hamstrings, low back, and rotator cuff


1: DS + SS

2: DS + FR

3: DS + VFR

33 Hz/1 min

Jump performance (Board jump test) and agility (Edgren Side Step Test)

DS + FR and DS + VFR increase agility similarly

Jump performance increase similarly with all interventions

Lai et al. [9]

23 runners (female = 11; male = 12)

26.4 ± 6.5 years



1: FR

2: VFR

20–40 Hz/6 min

Recovery (blood flow)

Blood flow increases similarly with both methods

Lim et al. [15]

20 healthy subjects (female = 6; male = 14) 20.97 ± 1.56 years


Randomized trial 1: FR

2: VFR

32 Hz/10 min

Jump performance (Vertical jump test)

No differences in jump performance with any intervention

Lin et al. [18]

40 badminton players (female = 15; male = 25) 21.4 ± 1.5 years

Gastrocnemius, hamstrings, quadriceps, rotator cuff and low back

Randomized trial 1: DS

2: DS + VFR

28 Hz/20 s

Jump performance (CMJ) and agility (FITLIGHT test)

Jump performance and agility improve similarly with both interventions

Romero-Moraleda et al. [10]

38 healthy subjects (female = 6; male = 32) 22.2 ± 3.2 years

Vastus lateralis, vastus medialis and rectus femoris

Randomized trial 1: FR

2: VFR

18 Hz/5 min

Recovery (PPT and VAS) and jump performance (CMJ)

Pain perception decreases more with VFR than with FR. Both improved similarly PPT and jump performance

Tsai et al. [13]

Volleyball players (male = 16) 21.5 ± 1.15 years

Quadriceps, gluteus, biceps femoris, tibialis anterioris, gastrocnemius, iliotibial band and plantar fascia


1: FR

2: VFR

3: rest

45 Hz/15 min

Jump performance (Drop jump test)

FR increase jump performance and VFR does not increase jump performance

Lyu et al. [31]

Healthy subjects

(male = 20)

21 ± 1.01 years



1: VFR

2: VFR + DC

3: SS

28 Hz/3 min

Isokinetic muscle strength and agility (figure-of-8 hop test)

VFR and VFR + DC increase similarly muscle strength and agility

Lee et al. [14]

Healthy subjects

(male = 30)

20.4 ± 1.2 years

Quadriceps and hamstrings



2: FR

3: SS

28 Hz/6 min

Isokinetic muscle strength

VFR increase isokinetic strength in quadriceps and hamstrings more than SS but similar to FR

Nakamura et al. [21]

Healthy subjects

(16 = male)

21.7 ± 1.3 years

Plantar flexors


1: VFR

2: FR

3: rest

48 Hz/4 min

Isokinetic strength and jump performance (Drop jump test)

VFR does not increase isokinetic strength or jump performance

  1. SS: static stretching; DS: dynamic stretching; DC: dynamic contraction; FR: foam roller; VFR: vibration foam roller; CMJ: counter movement jump; PPT: pressure pain threshold; VAS: visual analogue scale