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Table 2 Demographics for players who took part in both baseline and follow-up measurements

From: Performance Effects with Injury Prevention Exercise Programmes in Male Youth Football Players: A Randomised Trial Comparing Two Interventions


Knee Control

Knee Control+

No. of players



Age years, mean (SD)

13.8 (0.7)

14.5 (0.6)

Years of football experience, mean (SD)

6.1 (2.0)

8.7 (1.8)

Active in other sports, n

1 sport (7), 2 sports (2)

1 sport (10), 2 sports (4)

Football profile at school, n



Other sports profile at school, n



No. of football training sessions/week at baseline, mean (SD)

4.6 (1.1)

4.5 (1.4)

Perceived training volume at baseline, mean (SD)a

6.1 (1.0)

5.7 (1.0)

Previous experience of using the Knee Control IPEP, n

Yes, regularly (0), yes, sporadically (4), no (16), missing (1)

Yes, regularly (0), yes, sporadically (8), no (18)

  1. Values are mean and standard deviation (SD) or n
  2. IPEP injury prevention exercise programme
  3. aLikert scale 1–7, where 1 represents extremely low training volume and 7 extremely high training volume