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Table 1 Summary of included articles

From: Physical Activity Behavior from a Transdisciplinary Biopsychosocial Perspective: a Scoping Review

Authors (year) [citation no.]

Research objective

Theoretical model or approach

Model’s components

Integration of PA

Relationships or interactions between components

Empirical articles

Flannery et al. (2019) [25]

Examining the link between social, biological, behavioral, and psychological factors and level of PA in healthy pregnant women.

Biopsychosocial model

Biological: Gravidity, BMI

Behavioral: Smoking, alcohol, folate intake, fruit and vegetables, fish

Psychological: Anxiety, stress, depression, response to pregnancy

Social: Age, ethnicity, marital status, employment status, accommodation, socioeconomic status, maternity service

(Possible) determinants

Unidirectional influence of the components on PA levels

Hearst et al. (2012) [26]

Examining factors that predict PA in children and adolescents between 10 and 16 years

Socio-ecological model

Intrapersonal: Self-efficacy, PA enjoyment, barriers to PA

Behavioral: Screen time; sports team participation

Social: Parent and peer support

Physical environment: Home PA environment, neighborhood safety, walkability

Individual-level measure (covariates): Pubertal status, age, sex, race, weight, height, percent body fat, demographic and socioeconomic status

(Possible) determinants

Unidirectional influence of the respective components on PA

Lämmle et al. (2013) [27]

Examining the association between distal and proximal factors that influence PA, sedentary behavior, and eating behavior and relationship to health in children and adolescents between 4 and 17 years

Biopsychosocial model

Distal (environmental): Socio-economic status, rural-urban differences, immigration background

Proximal I (interpersonal): PA of relatives and peers

Proximal II (intrapersonal): Motivation, psychopathological problems, quality of life

Behavioral: PA, eating patterns, sedentary behavior

Objective health and physical fitness: BMI, body fat, blood pressure, cholesterol

Health and health complaints: Pain, psychosomatic and physical complaints, subjective health

(Possible) effects and determinants

Interrelationships between components

McNeil et al. (2006) [28]

Examining the relationship between individual factors and factors of the social and physical environment on PA within a group of Afro Americans and Caucasian Americans

Socio-ecological model

Individual: Self-efficacy, motivation

Social environmental: Social support

Physical environmental: Neighborhood quality, access to facilities

Sociodemographic: Age, race, ethnicity, sex, household income, education

(Possible) determinants

Integration of different intensities of PA (unidirectional relationships);

Relationships between components (but not bidirectional)

Meisner et al. (2010) [29]

Examining the relationship between PA and the three components of successful aging within a group of 60 years of age and above

Biopsychosocial model

(after Rowe and Kahn [30, 31])

Low probability of disease or disease-related disability: Presence of chronic conditions (respiratory diseases, inflammatory diseases, inflammatory diseases, cardiovascular diseases, metabolic and related diseases, cancers, incontinence, back problems)

High cognitive and physical functional capacity: Assistance with instrumental and general activities of daily living

Active social engagement with life: Time spent in sedentary activities, sense of belonging to the local community, involvement in voluntary social organizations

Covariates: Sex, age, total household income

(Possible) effects

Unidirectional influence of PA on components of successful aging

van Roekel et al. (2015) [32]

Examining the relationship between low and moderate-to-vigorous PA and the health-relevant quality of life in former colorectal cancer patients

Biopsychosocial model

(based on International Classification of Functioning, Disability, and Health)

Cancer-specific quality of life: Global health; physical, role and social functioning; self-reported fatigue; anxiety and depression; disability

Other factors: Sociodemographic characteristics (sex, age, education level, smoking status), BMI, presence of comorbidities, clinical characteristics

(Possible) effects and determinants

Integration of PA into the model (with bidirectional relationships);

Interrelationships between components

Non-empirical articles

Collins et al. (2011) [33]

Description of a multidimensional approach for lifelong sport participation and PA using a critical perspective on key theories

Biopsychosocial model of participation in PA

Biological: Biological maturation, readiness, hormonal change

Psychological: Psychological development, pressure

Social: Transitions, access, peer, social expectations

(Possible) determinants

Unidirectional influence of components on PA;

Possible interactions between components over the life course

Kanavaki et al. (2017) [34]

Systematic review of barriers and facilitators to participation in PA in adults with gon- or coxarthrosis

Biopsychosocial model

after Engel [35]

Physical health: Pain, physical capacity, age, physical fitness

Intrapersonal/psychological: Experience and beliefs about PA, behavioral regulation and attitude, emotions

Social environment: Health professional, social support

Physical environment: Cost, accessibility, temperature, safety issues

(Possible) determinants

Unidirectional influence of the respective components on PA;

Reference to interrelationships between components

Kanning and Schlicht (2008) [36]

Description of a biopsychosocial model for successful aging and its effects on subjective well-being

Biopsychosocial model of successful aging

Personal disposition: Physiological constitution/genotype, personality, socialization/sports-biography, socio-economic status

Social-structural constraints: Stereotypes, behavior setting, offers/ facilities

Psychological: Cognition, emotion, goals, need satisfaction, subjective well-being

(Possible) effects

Unidirectional influence of PA on subjective well-being

King and King (2010) [37]

Discussion of advantages of a healthy lifestyle, and current problems and challenges and their significance for science, politics, and practice

Socio-ecological model

Personal: Sex, age, genes, beliefs, enjoyment of PA, motivation, health status, function, well-being

Individual behavior: Types of PA, sedentary behaviors

Social/cultural: Modeling/support for PA, social norms and cultural values, institutions, mass media

Environment/ Policy: Neighborhood, infrastructure, urban planning, health care, policies

(Possible) determinants

Unidirectional influence of the respective components on PA;

Change of components over the life course

Levy-Storms et al. (2018) [38]

Systematic review on needs of older adults regarding open spaces, parks, and PA in comparison to younger adults

Biopsychosocial model of health

Biological/physical needs: Self-reported physical health, stress, good accessibility, places to rest, ergonomic features

Psychological needs: Choice, feelings of safety

Social needs: Foster engagement in social activities, social support, space for social interaction

(Possible) determinants

Reference to interrelationships between components;

Inclusion of the environment and the life course

Sallis et al. (2006) [39]

Proposition of a multilevel model of active living that can inform interventions for changes in activity behavior

Ecological model

Intrapersonal: Demographics, biological, psychological, family situation

Perceived environment: Safety, attractiveness, comfort, crime, convenience, accessibility

Behavior settings: Neighborhood, recreation, home, transport, workplace, school

Policy: Health care, transport policies, school policies, traffic regulations, neighborhood development policies, media regulations

(Possible) determinants

Unidirectional influence of respective components on PA

Stubbs et al. (2015) [40]

Systematic review on factors that influence participation in PA in adult patients with gon- or coxarthrosis

Socio-ecological model

Demographic: Age, ethnicity, sex, BMI

Biological: Symptoms, pain, aerobic capacity, strength, obesity, stiffness, comorbidities, cardiovascular fitness

Behavioral and skill: Limb function/balance, gait speed, daily living function

Psychological/cognitive/emotional: Confidence, quality of life, depression, intention to engage in PA

Social/cultural: Spouse, employment, exercise in group, social and work functioning

Physical environment: Outside temperature, rain

(Possible) determinants

Unidirectional influence of respective components on PA