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Fig. 3 | Sports Medicine - Open

Fig. 3

From: Reasons for and Consequences of Low Energy Availability in Female and Male Athletes: Social Environment, Adaptations, and Prevention

Fig. 3

Interrelation between an athlete’s body weight, LEA and performance. a Depending on the influence of body weight (BW) on performance, weight loss may mask underperformance in athletes experiencing low energy availability (LEA). Despite the negative consequences of LEA on performance, athletes may stay at the same level, when the positive influence of lower body weight is equal to the negative effect of LEA on performance. b When the positive influence of BW on performance outweighs the negative influence of LEA on performance, athletes may even get better, although they cannot exploit their full potential. c However, when negative adaptations due to LEA are greater than the positive influence of weight loss, performance deficits may be clearly associated with LEA

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