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Table 2 Pearson’s correlations of external and internal load parameters (outcomes of the incremental treadmill test are highlighted in gray)

From: An Investigation into the Relationship Between Heart Rate Recovery in Small-Sided Games and Endurance Performance in Male, Semi-professional Soccer Players

  1. When correlation is large (0.5–0.7), the correlation coefficient, r, is reported in black. Higher correlations (0.7–1.0, very large and almost perfect) are marked in bold
  2. TD total distance, WAL walking, JOG jogging, RUN running distance, HIR high-intensity running distance, nacc number of accelerations (> 1.54 m s−2), ØHR mean heart rate, HRR heart rate recovery, v4 velocity at 4 mmol L−1 lactate threshold, HRv4 heart rate at v4, LSSGs blood lactate concentration after the small-sided games