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Fig. 3 | Sports Medicine - Open

Fig. 3

From: Modelling perception-action coupling in the phenomenological experience of “hitting the wall” during long-distance running with exercise-induced muscle damage in highly trained runners

Fig. 3

Structural equation model of physiological and perceptual effects on performance fatigability. Note: trial-related differences in area under the curve of blood leucocyte and neutrophil count were used to indicate greater extent of EIMD during intervention trials. For graphical simplicity indicators and errors are not shown. Abbreviations: squares represent observed variables; ovals are latent variables; single-headed arrows represent regression paths; bold regression paths are significant at *p < 0.05 and **p < 0.01, respectively; AUC = area under the curve; R2 = total variance explained; e = residual error; standardised maximum likelihood measures are used. χ2 = chi-square; NFI = normed fit index; CFI = comparative fit index; RMSEA = root mean square error of approximation; PCLOSE = p of close fit; AIC = Akaike information criterion; SRMR = standardised root mean square residual. Model fit indices are: χ2 = 7.277, p = .776, χ2/11 = .662, NFI = .949, CFI = 1.000, RMSEA = .000 (95%CI = [.000, .156]; PCLOSE = .806), AIC = 55.277, SRMR = .068

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