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Table 1 Descriptive content of studies included in best evidence synthesis

From: The Validity and Responsiveness of Isometric Lower Body Multi-Joint Tests of Muscular Strength: a Systematic Review


Training status participants (n) Age, years (mean or range) sex

Property of validity included

Performance test knee joint angle

No of trials duration of test (s) recovery between trials (minutes)

Processing of trials familiarization instruction

Alegre et al., (2006) [69]

Untrained n = 36 Age: 20.85 Male


Isometric squat knee = 90°

Trials = not reported

Duration = 4

Recovery = not reported

PRO = not reported

FAM = not reported

INS = hard and fast

Markovic and Jaric, (2004) [43]

Untrained n = 77 Age: Range 18–26 Male


Isometric squat knee = 120°

Trials = 3

Duration = 5

Recovery = 2

PRO = best trial

FAM = all participant’s familiar

INS = gradually exert force until no further increase was detected

Markovic et al., (2007) [44]

Trained n = 93 Age: 20.1 Male


Isometric squat knee = 120°

Trials = 3

Duration = not reported

Recovery = not reported

PRO = best trial

FAM = 1 week familiarization period

INS = not reported

Markovic, (2007) [42]

Untrained n = 76 Age: 20.7 Male


Isometric squat knee = 120°

Trials = 3

Duration = 5

Recovery = 2

PRO = not reported

FAM = all participant’s familiar

INS = not reported

Wilson et al., (1993) [74]

Untrained n = 41 Age: 22.5 Not reported


Isometric squat knee = 135°

Trials = 2

Duration = 4

Recovery = 3

PRO = average of 2 trials

FAM = 2 familiarization sessions

INS = exert force in as short a time as possible

Crewther et al., (2012) [54]

Trained n = 79 Age: Range 18–32 Male


IMTP knee = 135°

Trials = 2

Duration = 5

Recovery = 2

PRO = not reported

FAM = not reported

INS = hard and fast

Dos’Santos et al., (2015) [38]

Trained n = 30 Age: 17.5 Male

Reliability, Hypothesis

IMTP second pull position in the clean

Trials = 3

Duration = 5

Recovery = 1

PRO = best trial

FAM = yes

INS = hard and fast

Kraska et al., (2009) [40]

Untrained n = 63 Age: 19.9 Male and female


IMTP knee 120–135°

Trials = 2

Duration = not reported

Recovery = 1

PRO = average of best 2

FAM = not reported

INS = hard and fast

Stone et al., (2004) [39]

Trained n = 50 Age: 31.0 Male and female


IMTP knee 140–145°

Trials = 2–3

Duration = not reported

Recovery = 2-3

PRO = average of best 2

FAM = not reported

INS = hard and fast

West et al., (2011) [1]

Trained n = 39 Age: 24.0 Male


IMTP knee 120–130°

Trials = not reported

Duration = approx. 5

Recovery = not reported

PRO = not reported

FAM = 1 session prior to testing

INS = hard and fast

  1. IMTP isometric mid-thigh pull, PRO processing of trials, FAM familiarization, INS instruction