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Table 1 Literature on the impact of physical exercise on perceptual-cognitive performances of athletes (n = 26)

From: Physical Load Affects Perceptual-Cognitive Performance of Skilled Athletes: a Systematic Review

Study (year)

Sport and Participants (n)

Exercise Load

Perceptual/Cognitive Task and Measurement

Testing Notes

Main Results


Casanova et al. (2013) [26]

Soccer Players

Experts: n = 8

M = 24.6 ± 3.9

Advanced: n = 8

M = 26.3 ± 2.9


treadmill, intermittent exercise protocol

Specific a

computer-based, anticipation, accuracy

during exercise, no rest condition, counterbalanced order

Reduced accuracy under fatigue for both groups


Cereatti et al. (2009) [36]


Advanced: n = 12

M = 15.9 ± 1.4

Novices: n = 12

M = 15.6 ± 1.8


cycle ergometer, moderate, 60 % HRR

General b

computer-based, attentional task, Exp 1: focusing of attention at (para-) foveal locations

Exp 2: peripheral visual space, RT, error rates

during exercise, rest condition, counterbalanced order

Exp 1: both groups improved RT during PE, orienteers improved more

Exp 2: both groups improved RT during PE, no difference between groups


Collardeau et al. (2001) [28]


Experts: n = 11

M = 26.5 ± 4.8


treadmill, run at ventilatory threshold

General b

computer-based, simple RT

before, during, after exercise, no counter-balanced order

Improvement in RT compared to rest after 40 min of PE, improvements from pre-exercise to after exercise


Davranche & Audiffren (2004) [37]

Decision-Making Sport Athletes (handball, basketball, tennis, soccer)

Advanced: n = 16

M = 22.8 ± 2.5


low (20 %) and moderate (50 %) ind. Wmax,cycle ergometer

General b

computer-based, choice RT task, speed, accuracy

during exercise, rest condition, counterbalanced order

Improvements of RT (50 % compared to rest), no effect of PE on accuracy


Davranche et al. (2006) [38]

Decisional Sport Athletes (Team Sport Players)

Advanced: n = 11

4 Female: M = 22 ± 2.0

7 Male: M = 25 ± 4.0


cycle ergometer, moderate, 90 % of ind. ventilatory threshold power

General b

computer-based, choice RT task, mean RT, decision errors

during exercise, rest condition, counterbalanced order

Faster RT during PE, no effect of PE on decision errors


Davranche et al. (2009) [39]


Experts: n = 12

M = n.r. (14-35)


Kayak ergometer, low (40 %) and moderate (75 %) ind. HRmax

General a

computer-based, Simon task, accuracy, RT

during exercise, rest condition, counterbalanced order

No effect on accuracy, RT better at 75 % compared to 40 %


Delignières et al. (1994) [40]


Experts: n = 20

M = 24.0 ± 8.3

Novices: n = 20

M = 23.3 ± 5.5


cycle ergometer, low (20 %), moderate (40 %, 60 %), high (80 %) ind. Wmax

General b

computer-based, 2- and 4-CRT tasks, speed, error rate

during exercise, rest condition, no counter-balanced order



Experts: improvents as PE increased, Novices: deterioration as PE increased, Error Rate: no differences

Elsworthy et al. (2014) [25]

Australian Football Players

Experts: n = 29

M = 32.4 ± 6.1


intermittent real game analyses

Specific a

decision-making, accuracy

during exercise, no rest condition, no counterbalanced order

No effect of PE on accuracy


Fontana et al.

(2009) [44]

Soccer Players

Advanced: n = 16

M = 21.1 ± 1.6

Novices: n = 16

M = 19.5 ± 1.1


treadmill, rest, low (40 %), moderate (60 %, 80 %) ind. VO2max

Specific a

video clips, decision-making task, speed, accuracy

during exercise, rest condition, counterbalanced order

Speed: improvements for both groups with increased PE intensity, PE does not affect accuracy


Hancock & McNaughton (1986)1[27]


Advanced: n = 6

M = 27.0 ± 11


treadmill, moderate, ind. anaerobic threshold

Specific a

computer-based, slides of orienteering checkpoints + questions, correct/incorrect answers

during exercise, rest condition, counterbalanced order

PE-condition (= fatigue): decrease of correct answers


Hogervorst & Riedel (1996) [35]

Triathletes, Cyclists

Advanced: n = 15

M = 24.9 ± 7.9


cycle ergometer, moderate, 75 % ind. Wmax

General a

computer-based, simple and 3 CRT, Stroop task

after exercise, rest condition (before exercise), no counter- balanced order

Speed: improvements after exercise for simple and 3 CRT task, Stroop task


Huertas et al. (2011) [32]


Advanced n = 18

M = 17.0 ± 2.0


cycle ergometer, moderate, 80 % and 90 % of lactate threshold

General a

attentional task (including alerting, orienting, executive control), speed

after exercise, rest condition, counterbalanced order

Improvements under PE (90 % better than 80 %, both better than at rest)


Hüttermann & Memmert (2014) [34]

Decisional Sport Athletes (Team Sport Players)

Advanced: n = 8

M = 24.88 ± 3.27

Novices n = 8

M = 26.00 ± 4.27


cycle ergometer, moderate, 50 %, 60 %, 70 % HRmax

General b

computer-based, attentional breadth task, accuracy

during exercise, rest condition, counterbalanced order

Athletes: Improvements under PE, best results under 70 % HRmax

Novices: Improvements under PE, bests results under 60 % HRmax


Larkin et al. (2014) [46]

Australian Football Players

Expert umpires: n = 15

M = 36.0 ± 13.5


real games, high, competitive Australien football

Specific a

video-based, decision-making, accuracy

post exercise, no rest condition, no counter-balanced order

Improvements in quarter 4 (compared to quarter 2 and 3)


Lemmink & Vjsscher (2005) [41]

Soccer Players

Advanced: n = 16

M = 20.9 ± 2.0


cycle ergometer, intermittent exercise

General b

computer based, multiple choice RT task, speed, accuracy

Group 1: post exercise

Group 2: rest

No differences between the groups


Llorens et al. (2015) [33]


Advanced: n = 14

Novices: n = 13

M = 24 ± 3.0 (of both groups)


cycle ergometer, high, maximal incremental effort

General a

computer based, spatial attention task, RT

after exercise, rest condition, counterbalanced order

Improvements of RT for the advanced group under PE, No differences between the conditions for the novice group


McMorris & Graydon (1996) [45]

Soccer Players

Advanced: n = 10

M = n.r.

Novices: n = 10

M = n.r.


cycle ergometer, rest, moderate (70 %), high (100 %) ind. Wmax

Specific b

computer-based, decision-making task, accuracy, overall speed of decision, speed of decision for accurate responses

during exercise, rest condition, no counter-balanced order

Speed for accurate responses: improvements under PE, Overall speed: improvements only for advanced under PE, Accuracy: no effect of PE


McMorris & Graydon (1997) [20]

Soccer Players

Exp 1: Advanced n = 12

M = 20.8 ± 1.34

Exp 2: Advanced n = 12

M = 20.8 ± 1.78


cycle ergometer, rest, moderate (70 %), high (100 %) ind. Wmax

Specific a+b

detection task/visual search, Exp 1: low complexity- 2c, Exp 2: high complexity-4c, speed of search, speed of decision, accuracy

during exercise, rest condition, no counter-balanced order

Exp 1: speed: improvements during maximal exercise, accuracy: no effect

Exp 2: speed: improvements during PE compared to rest, accuracy better at 100 % than at rest


Mouelhi Guizani et al. (2006) [42]


Experts: n = 12

M = 19.1 ± 2.99

Novices: n = 12

M = 20.82 ± 3.97


cycle ergometer, low (20 %), moderate (40 %, 60 %), high (80 %) ind. max. aerobic power

General b

computer-based, simple and four choice RT task, RT, error rates

during exercise, rest condition, counterbalanced order

Fencers: shorter CRTs at 40 %, 60 % and 80 % Pmaxcompared to rest-Novices: no effect of PE


Pesce & Audiffren (2011) [29]

Athletes from different Sports (Soccer Players, swimmers, gymnasts, rowers, orienteers, runners)


Young Athletes: n = 53,

M = n.r. (16-24)

Older Athletes: n = 47

M = n.r. (65-74)


cycle ergometer, moderate, 60 % HRR

General a+b

computer-based, two reaction-time tasks (low and high cognitive demands), RT

during exercise, rest condition counterbalanced order

Low demanding task: no effects of PE, High demanding task:improvements under PE for all participants


Pesce et al. (2007a) [19]


Experts: n = 12

M = 66.2 ± 4.7

Novices n=13

M = 66.3 ± 4.6


cycle ergometer, moderate, 60 % HRR

General a+b

computer-based, visual attention, Exp 1: low demands, Exp 2: high demands, RT, error rates

during exercise, rest condition, counterbalanced order

Accuracy and speed not influenced by PE for both groups and in both experiments


Pesce et al. (2007b) [43]

Soccer Players

Experts: n = 24

M = 17.8 ± 0.8

Novices: n = 24

M = n.r., same age range


cycle ergometiter, moderate, 60 % HRR

General a+b

computer-based, visual attention, Exp 1: low demands, Exp 2: high demands, RT, error rates

during exercise, rest condition, counterbalanced order

Error rates: no effects on error rates in both Experiments

Speed: Exp 1: no influence of PE on soccer players, improvements under PE for non-athletes, Exp 2: both groups: improvements under PE


Pesce et al. (2011) [30]


Advanced: n = 16

Other endurance athletes: n = 16

Novices: n = 16

M = n.r. (60-80)


cycle ergometer, moderate, 60%HRR

General b

computer-based, visual attention, RT

during exercise, rest condition, counterbalanced order

Athletes faster under PE, no influence of PE on novices


Royal et al. (2006) [47]

Water Polo Players

Experts: n = 14

M = 17.2 ± 0.5


high, 4 sets of 8 repetitions of an 18 s max specific drill, progressively declining rest ratios (80-40-20-10s)

Specific a

video-based, decision-making test, accuracy

after exercise, rest condition, counterbalanced order

Set 4 accuracy better than at the set 3,2,1 (but not sign higher than pre-exercise)


Tsorbatzoudis et al. (1998) [31]


Experts: n = 12

Novices: n = 46

3 exercise groups (A,B,C): n = 12 in each group, 2 control groups, n=11, A + B: untrained students, C: cyclists, control group B + C


cycle ergometer, A: high intensity exercise for 5 min, heart rate at 180-190 bpm, B + C: moderate intensity exercise for 30 min, heart rate 150-160 bpm

General b

computer-based, simple RT task, Vienna Test System, RT

after exercise, rest condition, no counter-balanced order

All groups improved their RT in both tests after PE


Vickers & Williams (2007) [23]


Experts: n = 10

M = n.r. (16-24)


cycle ergometer, moderate (55 %, 70 %), high (85 %,100 %) ind. VO2max

Specific b

biathlon shooting, visual attention, accuracy, gaze behavior - duration of quiet eye (QE)

after exercise, rest condition, counterbalanced order

Highest level of accuracy during 55 %, declined thereafter to the lowest level at 100 %, QE duration longer on hits than misses for 55 %, 70 %, 85 %; during 100 % it declined to half


  1. Abbreviations: PEphysical exercise, n.r.not reported, ind.individual, RTreaction time, CRTchoice reaction time, W max maximum power output, HR max maximum heart rate, VO 2max maximum oxygen uptake, aworking memory task, battention/perception task, *,**,***,**** MMAT score.
  2. 1The results from the study did not solely contain perceptual-cognitive tasks. First, slides of orienteering checkpoints were shown and afterwards participants had to answer questions concerning aspects of short-term memory, focus of attention, map interpretation, estimation or descriptive abilities. Results were reported for the amount of correct/incorrect answers as a whole, but not separately for the different aspects. Therefore, it cannot be concluded if and how much the physical exercise influenced the perceptual-cognitive tasks specifically.