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Table 2 Prevalence of anemia stratified by sex and anemia status

From: Prevalence and Impact of Anemia on Basic Trainees in the US Air Force


Female (N = 4,270)

Male (N = 14,557)

Total (N = 18,827)


3186 (74.6 %)

13263 (91.1 %)

16449 (87.4 %)

Borderline anemia

538 (12.6 %)

702 (4.8 %)

1240 (6.6 %)

Moderate anemia

467 (10.9 %)

551 (3.8 %)

1018 (5.4 %)

Severe anemia

79 (1.9 %)

41 (0.3 %)

120 (0.6 %)